50% global capacity margin for instantaneous surge
Ably operates at internet-scale, so our normal dimensions for capacity are already large. Regardless, we operate at 50% capacity margin so we can elastically deal with instant surges in demand and continue to be available in the event of AZ failure.
Connection capacity can double every 5 mins, halve every 10 mins & Channel capacity can double every 10 mins, halve every 20 mins
Ably can react to changes and elastically scale beyond instant surge capacity. But we must maintain state in all new areas when scaling. To do this and allow the system to keep up as it scales, we constrain the ability of the system to double (or halve) in capacity.
DoS: Layer 3, 4 and 7 defence in our edge network
Ably is designed with mechanisms to defend against various DoS vectors across different layers. This includes Layer 7 ‘attacks’ that might be legitimate operations but at unsustainable rates.
Max number of channels:
Limitless - constrained only by plan quota
Ably can scale limitlessly with an unlimited number of channels. We achieve this with channel sharding, where each channel has limited capacity, but you can activate as many channels as you need for your scale. For example, HubSpot employs over 500m channels per day on Ably.
Max number of connections:
Limitless - constrained only by quota
Ably can serve unlimited numbers of connections. This includes fanout to millions of subscribers over a handful of channels, or one-to-one connections for each user over individual channels.
Max message throughput:
Limitless - constrained only by quota
By restricting throughput on a per channel basis, we provide the ability to have unlimited throughput in aggregate. This is a mechanism to facilitate horizontal scaling.
Global service availability:
Ably is designed around the statistical probability that service availability will be 99.9999% (6x9s) - just 31s of downtime per year. To account for real-world behaviour, the lowest SLA we design around and commercially offer is 99.999% (5x9s) - 5 minutes 15 seconds of downtime per year.
Over the last year Ably’s uptime has been 100%, which is why we’re legitimately able to offer a 99.999% uptime SLA: status.ably.com.